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The following services are provided in Family Based:


Family Living

Family living provides residential services to individuals 18 years and older in a family home setting.  Family living providers can be surrogate or natural and provide support and care in a natural family environment.  All Family living Providers are screened, provided training, coordinator support services and an on call 24 hour emergency services. Each home is supervised by one of ARCA’s trained program managers and works with each family to ensure individual’s receiving services needs are being met and homes stay in compliance with  regulatory requirements.


Foster Care

ARCA’s Foster Care program works in conjunction with CYFD.  This is a referral based program.  Our Foster Parents have to complete an extensive home study process, including back ground checks, state and federal clearances and extensive training. Foster parent’s provide care to children under

the age of 18 in their home who have a medical, Intellectual or developmental delay diagnosis.



ARCA’s respite program is designed to provide relief for main caregivers.  Respite can be provided in the home or out in the community while providing relief for main caregivers of individuals. All respite caregivers are screened and provided with training.


Personal Care

EPSDT personal care services are provided to individuals 21 and under.  Services are provided after an assessment is completed by an outside HMO, services are then provided based on the needs of the individual.  Personal care is provided in the individuals home to assist with tasks such as, eating, bathing, dressing and hygiene activates. All caregivers are screened and provided training.


Mi Via Vendor

ARCA provides two services as a Mi Via Vendor: In Home Living Supports and Community Direct Supports/Navigation.  As a vendor ARCA completes and submits billing, ensures all caregivers are in compliance with training requirements and screens all caregivers.