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TitleChoosing, Finding and Keeping a Job after Brain Injury: A workbook and training programAuthorJanet P. Niemeier Ph.D, Jeffery Kreutzer Ph.D. ABPP, Shy DeGracPublishedLash and Associates 2009
Status:Check Shelves SubjectABICategoryMISCMediaWorkbookCall NumberMISC Nie 2009 C1.1TypeGeneral BorrowDescription
A vocational training program for adults with traumatic and other types of acquired brain injuries living in the community includes 20 structured sessions with a workbook and CD with worksheets.Part One of the vocational curriculum helps survivors of brain injuries and blast injuries explore their interests, concerns and readiness for finding a job or returning to work. Part Two covers steps of looking for a job with attention to disclosure of a disability, on the job accommodations, resume preparation and interviewing. Part Three covers strategies for keeping a job and avoiding problems on the job. This vocational training curriculum addresses the special learning needs of persons with brain injury by using a 4 step format for all sessions. Step 1 identifies typical challenges facing individuals with brain injury when considering or searching for work. Step 2 uses surveys or questionnaires to ask participants about their difficulties regarding employment after a brain injury. Step 3 presents positive and negative ways to cope with challenges on the job and demonstrates skills and strategies. Sept 4 demonstrates strategies for problem solving. This workbook can be used in a group format or individually. Handouts and questionnaires are written in large print for individuals with visual deficits. The curriculum is written at a fifth grade reading level to accommodate individuals with reading deficits. All important ideas and instructions are repeated to facilitate learning and memory. Information is presented with written, oral, demonstration, and visual methods and aids to accommodate those with non-standard learning styles. The curriculum includes simple surveys and questionnaires which allow the participant to relate personally to the content and enhance self-awareness. The curriculum follows a logical and sequential course of sessions from preparing to look for work, looking for work, and maintaining employment. The workbook and CD includes all instructions, content and handouts that group leaders need to conduct training sessions. This program is ideal for counselors and clinicians in vocational rehabilitation programs, vet centers, community agencies and outpatient settings for veterans and adults.

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