The New Mexico Brain Injury Resource Center has a comprehensive library available to you, whether you live in Albuquerque or somewhere else in the state of New Mexico.

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TitleSmile and Jump High! ...the true story of overcoming a traumatic brain injuryAuthorLloyd, Donald J. and Shannon L. KehoePublishedMonroe, Georgia : StarLight Press 2001
Status:Check Shelves SubjectOvercoming and coping with TBICategoryTBIMediabookISBN0-9673887-2-4Call NumberTBI Llo etal 2001 c2.2TypeGeneral BorrowDescription
The events and circumstances contain in our story are completely real. This is the moving account of how one young woman and her family struggle through the 'hidden tunnel of darkness' for more than four years. Their journey begins with re-learning basic physical tasks of life such as holding a fork and using a toothbrush; taking a shower and eating; and subsequently working and talking. These prove to be easy compared with what comes next, however. They must still deal with residual brain deficits that affect her perception, reasoning, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and volatile behavior.

NMBIRC Library Item Request/Patron Form

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