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TitleHead Injury: A Home Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Program (HDI Coping Series, Vol. 2)AuthorDana S. DeBoskey, Calub, Cook, Hooker, Lindeman, and WallacePublishedHouston, TX : HDI Publishers 1989
Status:Check Shelves SubjectAssisting relatives and friends in structuring a productive and goal-oriented home-based programCategoryCHIMediabookCall NumberCHI DeB, etal 1989 c1.1 REFERENCETypeReference OnlyDescription
This manual in divided into three sections. -The first section informs the family members of practical issues involved with home remediation. -The second section provides sample educational activities that can be included in daily sessions. -The third section deals with the handling of behavioral/emotional issues that impact upon the head injured patient's ability to benefit from cognitive restraining in the home. This manual is designed to provide assistance to patients and families without funding, as well as to augment the education of those who are fortunate enough to go through a formalized rehabilitation program.

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