History of ARCA – A Tradition of Excellence
ARCA continues its decades long quality journey by providing more than safe, comfortable homes and meaningful jobs. We open doors for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live their dreams and build a bright future.
Established ARCA Business Enterprises (ABE) to create paid work for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, establish long-term community partnerships and model programs and build revenue streams that supplement funding gaps. ABE includes ARCA Organics and ARCA Janitorial Services.
Began providing Adoption services, started ARCA’s Literacy Enhancement Center and our Health and Wellness Institute.
Began statewide services for people with Prader Willi Syndrome and our Supported Employment services. We also established the ARCA Foundation to ensure a bright future for the individuals in our care.
Greatly expanded community living options with the addition of Medicaid Waiver funding, started specialized foster care services, opened our La Paloma Greenhouse to provide a horticultural option for individuals and began additional day habilitation services.
Began providing community based residential supports using both New Mexico State General Fund and Federal ICF/IDD resources and spun off our sheltered workshop to the Rehabilitation Center.
Began fundraisers to support our services, including collecting more than a million “Gift Stars” trading stamps toward the purchase of a 1965 Volkswagen Microbus.
ARCA began as a volunteer, social/recreational service operation that evolved into our community-based Child Study Center, preschool and recreation programs.